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Website to generate unlimited QR codes for free


New member
Jan 24, 2024

Benefits of Qrzap - QR Code Generator:

  1. QR Code Generation:
    • Easily create simple and advanced QR codes that are customizable and traceable.
  2. QR Code Models:
    • Choose from 13 integrated QR code models to start immediately.
  3. Privacy:
    • No data from created QR codes is stored, ensuring complete privacy, except for voluntarily saved data in your account.
  4. Highly Customizable:
    • Customize your QR codes with your own colors, logos, and designs.
  5. Tracking Pixels:
    • Integration with tracking pixels from platforms like Facebook, Google Analytics, LinkedIn, and more.
  6. Control Panel:
    • Easily manage your resources with categorization by projects.
  7. Custom Domains:
    • Connect your own domain or use predefined ones.
  8. Static QR Codes:
    • Fixed codes with embedded data, ideal for unchanging information.
  9. Dynamic QR Codes:
    • Change the destination of the QR code on demand, with advanced statistics, scheduling, expiration limits, and more.
  10. Types of QR Codes:
    • Diverse models, including text, URL, phone, SMS, email, WhatsApp, FaceTime, location, WiFi, event, crypto, Vcard, and PayPal.
  11. Testimonials:
    • Positive user feedback highlighting ease of use, advanced customization, and brand support.
  12. Transparent Pricing:
    • Basic, Professional, and Beginner plans to meet different needs, with features such as password protection and included analytics.
  13. API Access:
    • Availability of API access for custom integrations.
  14. Ad-Free:
    • Use the service without the interruption of ads.
  15. Brand Support:
    • Highlight for customization with colors and logos, being a differential for marketing professionals.
  16. Variety of QR Code Types:
    • Support for a wide range of QR code types to meet various needs.
  17. Affordable Prices:
    • Plans with simple and transparent prices, adapted for different user profiles, from testers to industry leaders and teams.
  18. Common Questions Answers:
    • Clear information and answers to frequently asked questions.
  19. Easy Start:
    • Quick start with easy creation of highly customizable static or dynamic QR codes.