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Best TikTok Algorithm Knowledge


New member
Aug 5, 2023
So about two weeks ago I started growing my Tik-Tok accounts again after almost 3 months of not touching them. Some stuff has changed, and I just wanted to share what I learned over the past 2 weeks. I might start a journey thread if I start making some more money off TT

-TT values watch time over engagement. Ive posted several 10-15 second clips that will get a 1-10 or 1-20 like ratio, with lots of shares and saves, but the post won't get passed the initial stage of viewing. On the other hand, all my viral videos have have been over 45 seconds and have had shitty engagement. So longer videos get priority. I also heard that this was because TT is Starting a monetization program and it wants longer videos.

-No more than three videos per hour, and 1 per hour does better. So back in April I was posting 40 videos in like 2 hours and they would all do well, but now if I post more than three, every video past the third gets 1-10 views that day, and gets pushed a little the next day but nothing viral. I'm testing 1 video per every 3-5 hours and its working good so far, those videos are getting pushed hard.

So yea thats what I see has changed over the past few months. If anyone has anything else has had success with TT i'd be down to get in contact and share some strategy. Or if you have anything to add, please do!