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Course Mega Web Development Course: Full stack web application 2023


Modmium Enthusiast
Lifelong Learner
May 7, 2023

What you’ll learn?​

Mega Web Development Course: Full stack web application 2023

  • Having enough knowledge to create ANY website and web applications.
  • Building over 20 small projects for your portfolio, and ready to apply for junior developer jobs.
  • Creating one master project which includes a product system, user system, brands, categories, and admin panel.
  • Master front-end by using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
  • Master back-end by using Python and Django.
  • Work as a freelancer web developer.
  • Able to use and work with AWS.
  • Master the latest, most popular, and most demanded programming skills.


O que você aprenderá?​

Mega Curso de Desenvolvimento Web: Aplicação web Full Stack 2023

  • Ter conhecimento suficiente para criar QUALQUER site e aplicações web.
  • Construindo mais de 20 pequenos projetos para seu portfólio e pronto para se candidatar a empregos de desenvolvedor júnior.
  • Criação de um projeto mestre que inclui um sistema de produto, sistema de usuário, marcas, categorias e painel de administração.
  • Domine o front-end usando HTML, CSS e Javascript.
  • Domine o back-end usando Python e Django.
  • Trabalhe como desenvolvedor web freelancer.
  • Capaz de usar e trabalhar com AWS .
  • Domine as habilidades de programação mais recentes, populares e exigidas.

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What you’ll learn?​

Mega Web Development Course: Full stack web application 2023

  • Having enough knowledge to create ANY website and web applications.
  • Building over 20 small projects for your portfolio, and ready to apply for junior developer jobs.
  • Creating one master project which includes a product system, user system, brands, categories, and admin panel.
  • Master front-end by using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
  • Master back-end by using Python and Django.
  • Work as a freelancer web developer.
  • Able to use and work with AWS.
  • Master the latest, most popular, and most demanded programming skills.

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Nice share keep it up 👍

What you’ll learn?​

Mega Web Development Course: Full stack web application 2023

  • Having enough knowledge to create ANY website and web applications.
  • Building over 20 small projects for your portfolio, and ready to apply for junior developer jobs.
  • Creating one master project which includes a product system, user system, brands, categories, and admin panel.
  • Master front-end by using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
  • Master back-end by using Python and Django.
  • Work as a freelancer web developer.
  • Able to use and work with AWS.
  • Master the latest, most popular, and most demanded programming skills.

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thank you for your efforts
Thank you so much for sharing. It means a lot bro. You are really helping the most ambitious people who may not be able to afford many expensive online cources.

What you’ll learn?​

Mega Web Development Course: Full stack web application 2023

  • Having enough knowledge to create ANY website and web applications.
  • Building over 20 small projects for your portfolio, and ready to apply for junior developer jobs.
  • Creating one master project which includes a product system, user system, brands, categories, and admin panel.
  • Master front-end by using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
  • Master back-end by using Python and Django.
  • Work as a freelancer web developer.
  • Able to use and work with AWS.
  • Master the latest, most popular, and most demanded programming skills.

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Thanks a lot for such a valueable post