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How to Set up Keyword Rank Tracking


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2022
Setting up Keyword Rank Tracking helps you as a website owner to keep your eye on your website's performance as well as your ranking in Search Engines.

You set up keyword rank tracking once you start implementing an SEO strategy, as this helps you monitor your top keywords daily. Thus, you will be able to measure the success of your SEO Strategy so you can work on improving it to reach your goal.

How to Set up Keyword Rank Tracking?

To set up keyword rank tracking for your website, make sure that your Google Search Console is ready. Then, let's follow these steps:

Go to the Google Search Console page.

Find all your ranking Keywords using Google Search Console​

  • Open your Google Search Console page and press on “Start now”.
  • Open your Gmail associated with the Google Search Console Account which is connected to your Domain. Make sure it is the property you wanna check.
  • Go to the left-side menu, and click “Performance”.
  • ِAt the performance section, you will find which keywords your domain is ranking for. You can also check how many “Clicks” are there on each keyword.

Generate report using a free Google Sheets Add-on​

  • Using the same Gmail associated with Google Search Console which is connected to your domain, open Google Sheets.
  • Create a new sheet by clicking on the “+” button.
  • Go to the upper menu and click“Add-ons”, then make a new ads-on by clicking “Get add-ons”.
  • You will be directed to the Marketplace to find your add-on. Write “search analytics for sheets” in the search bar.
  • You will find something like the image below, click on it and press install.
  • Now, the add-on needs access to your Google data, so just click “Allow”.
  • You’ve finished, just click on “Done”.
  • Go back to your blank Google Spreadsheet
  • Go again to “Add-ons”, but this time choose“Search Analytics for Sheets” and then click“Open Sidebar”.
  • When it opens, look at the sidebar on the right area to see the “Search Analytics for Sheets”.
  • Select your site in the “Verified Site” box. ( the site connected to GSC)
  • Determine the date you wanna track keywords within.
  • If you see “Default (Web)” in the “Search Type”, then it is ok. If not, make it now.
  • Scroll to the Group and choose “Page” and “Query”.
  • The “Aggregation Type:” must be determined as “Default (auto)”.
  • Choose how many rows at the “Rows returned:” box. For new sites, choose “Everything”. However, if you have an old site, select “1000 rows” for getting the most accurate results.
  • Choose “Create New Sheet” in the“Results Sheet:” box.
  • Now, we are ready so just click on “Request Data”.
  • Congratulations, when you see the confirmation message, then everything is done, and all the details will show up in your spreadsheet.