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How to Set Up Backlinks Monitoring


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2022
Backlinks are an important element for SEO. Therefore, website owners always try to make backlinks as much as possible. However, it is crucial to keep your eyes open and monitor your backlinks on a regular basis. Thus, you get a detailed analysis of each one of them.

When you set up backlinks monitoring and get all the details, you will know whether your content is earning links or not and check their quality.

Make sure to monitor your backlink as soon as your website goes online.

Setting Up Backlinks Monitoring using MonitorBacklinks​

Create a MonitorBacklinks Account​

  • Open a new account by visiting the MonitorBacklinks website and clicking on “Start your free trial”. ( notice that the free trial is available for 30 days only, then you have to choose a plan that meets your needs)

  • Make your new account by choosing “Your Email Address”, and a strong password for“Your desired password”.
  • Prove that you are a human, not a robot then click on “Create Account”.

  • Now, go to your email and click the link sent from “Monitor Backlinks” to confirm your email address.

  • Once you click the link, you will be redirected back to the Monitor Backlinks site to start adding your domain.
  • Choose the option you need. In our case, we will choose “Google Analytics”.

Adding your domain using Google Analytics​

Make sure that you’ve already set up Google Analytics for your website, then follow these steps:

  • Choose the first option: “Add using Analytics”.
  • Choose your Gmail which is connected to your Google Analytics.
  • Click on “Allow” to allow backlinks to view your Google data.
  • Choose the “profile” you want in Google Analytics and click connect.

Optional Steps to check your competitors​

After finishing the above steps, you can spy on your competitors and check the backlinks they got. You can also add some keywords to see how they are performing with new links.

However, you can just skip these options.

  • Add Competitors
You can add your competitors to check their performance..

  • Add Keywords
You can add keywords and keep your eyes on whether they are getting any backlinks.


Checking your backlinks with Google Search Console​

Additionally, you can still use Google Search Console to check some of your backlinks

Make sure that you’ve previously set up Google Search Console for your website, then follow these steps:

  • Log In to your Google Search Console which is connected to your site.
  • Go to the left side menu and select“Links”.

Here, you will find two categories:

  • External Links”: Here you see your external links.
  • Internal Links”: Here you see your internal links.

At this part, you can find how many backlinks you’ve got. It may take some time, but it is totally free.