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Course Advanced Amazon KDP: SEO Keyword Research to Rank Number ONE


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2022

What you'll learn​

  • Students looking for advanced SEO strategies to rank on the Amazon KDP first search results page
  • You'll learn about the Amazon A9 secret Algorithm used by Amazon to Rank Low content book listings and products
  • Master the secret to writing a Persuasive book title, description, and keywords to rank at the top of the search results
  • This course covers the Secrets of SEO tricks and hacks to write the 7 Low content book Keywords to optimize your low content book listing for SEO for more sales
  • Tactics that I used to generate 6 figure Numbers from Amazon KDP and how you can use it to make easy money on Amazon KDP
  • You'll learn how to Reverse engineer successful competitors to write a compelling book description and to dramatically improve your ranking on Amazon
  • This course uncovers the secret to choosing winning book categories to significantly improve your book ranking, and make more sales in return
  • We will show you how to use FREE as well as Premium tools to do keyword research and to analyze the competition
  • Quick and simple blueprint to improve your low or no content books BSR (Best selling rank) to make more sales
  • You'll discover a secret method to find Hot Untapped niches and make the most out of these niches
  • Make your Book available on the first results page for more sales with Amazon KDP SEO
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What you'll learn​

  • Students looking for advanced SEO strategies to rank on the Amazon KDP first search results page
  • You'll learn about the Amazon A9 secret Algorithm used by Amazon to Rank Low content book listings and products
  • Master the secret to writing a Persuasive book title, description, and keywords to rank at the top of the search results
  • This course covers the Secrets of SEO tricks and hacks to write the 7 Low content book Keywords to optimize your low content book listing for SEO for more sales
  • Tactics that I used to generate 6 figure Numbers from Amazon KDP and how you can use it to make easy money on Amazon KDP
  • You'll learn how to Reverse engineer successful competitors to write a compelling book description and to dramatically improve your ranking on Amazon
  • This course uncovers the secret to choosing winning book categories to significantly improve your book ranking, and make more sales in return
  • We will show you how to use FREE as well as Premium tools to do keyword research and to analyze the competition
  • Quick and simple blueprint to improve your low or no content books BSR (Best selling rank) to make more sales
  • You'll discover a secret method to find Hot Untapped niches and make the most out of these niches
  • Make your Book available on the first results page for more sales with Amazon KDP SEO
    You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

Great, I like it. This is just my topic. I will study. Thank you.👍💯