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+1000 High DA Backlinks List + Guides & Tutorials (August, 2022)


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2022

Backlink List Link is at the end of this Post​

What Are Backlinks?​

Backlinks (also known as “inbound links”, “incoming links” or “one-way links”) are links from one website to a page on another website. Google and other major search engines consider backlinks “votes” for a specific page. Pages with a high number of backlinks tend to have high organic search engine rankings.

Why Are Backlinks Important?​

Backlinks are basically votes from other websites. Each of these votes tells search engines: “This content is valuable, credible and useful”. So the more of these “votes” you have, the higher your site will rank in Google and other search engines.

What Types of Backlinks is Valuable?​

Not all backlinks are created equal. In other words, if you want to rank higher in the SERPs, focus on quality backlinks. Put another way: A single quality backlink can be more powerful than 1,000 low-quality backlinks. As it turns out, high-quality backlinks tend to share the same key traits.

1. Follow vs. no follow backlinks​

Site owners can specify if an individual link passes link equity or not. A no follow link does not pass link equity – colloquially called “link juice” – to the linking domain, while a follow link does. While followed backlinks are much more desirable, no follow links from high-quality websites can still be beneficial to enhance your brand. (Interestingly, local SEO strategy views follow and no follow links from relevant, localized websites as equally valuable.)

2. Authority of linking domain​

Backlinks obtained from linking domains of high authority usually offer more value (link equity) than links from low-quality, new, or spammy websites. Backlinks from spammy websites should be avoided whenever possible.

3. Link relevancy​

Google knows if a backlink is irrelevant. If a gluten-free bakery in California links to your brick-and-mortar hiking gear shop in Colorado, the backlink is not extremely relevant and will likely not pass as much link juice as the backlink received from the mountain climbing site.

4. Link location​

Website architecture is significant to Google, as is the positioning of a link on the page. For example, a backlink tucked in the footer of a page may not pass as much equity as one added in a relevant blog post paragraph.

5. Link number​

A backlink listed among hundreds or thousands of links on a single page is likely not as valuable as a link referenced among fewer. Beyond link equity, a user would be hard-pressed to locate your link among the hundreds and click through to your content, eliminating value.

6. Anchor text​

Anchor text is the visible characters or words that display a hyperlink within content, often underlined and uniquely colored. In the previous sentence, “anchor text” is the anchor text for an outbound link. Certain anchor text is deemed SEO-friendly, passing more equity than others. Succinct, relevant, and non-generic text is preferable. For example, linking to this blog post with the anchor “importance of backlinks for SEO” is preferable to linking with the generic text “click here.”

What is Domain Authority (DA) & Spam Score?
Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how likely a website is to rank in search engine result pages (SERPs). Domain Authority scores range from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater likelihood of ranking.
The spam score is another tool developed by Moz to determine which websites are “spammy” and which are trustworthy.
A score of 1%-30% is considered a Low Spam Score.
A score of 31%-60% is considered a Medium Spam Score.
A score of 61%-100% is considered a High Spam Score.
A high Spam Score for your site, or a site you're looking at, doesn't mean this site is necessarily spammy. It's a sign that you should do some more investigation into the quality and relevance of this site
You can find out the Domain Authority and Spam score of any website using Moz's Link Explorer, the MozBar (Moz's free SEO toolbar)

How to Use Backlink List?

1- Check DA & Spam Score
2- For Profile Backlinks, Create a Profile and add your website to your profile,
For Comments, Write a comment and add your website in it with an anchor,If it hasn't Website section, use HTML codes
For Content Creation Websites and guest posts, Create unique at least 300 words content and use an external link to your website with an anchor
3- It takes a few days to index to google, wait
4- Check your Backlinks

Example of link building
1- Go to one of the websites ( for example - Profile Backlink: https://gallery.autodesk.com/)
2- Create a New Account
3- Create New Project
4- Write the Project Title, add IMG & in the description you post your article


If there were duplicated , Wasted, and Useless websites or if you have new websites for backlink Please tell me to update the File


Backlink List Link is at the end of this Post​

What Are Backlinks?​

Backlinks (also known as “inbound links”, “incoming links” or “one-way links”) are links from one website to a page on another website. Google and other major search engines consider backlinks “votes” for a specific page. Pages with a high number of backlinks tend to have high organic search engine rankings.

Why Are Backlinks Important?​

Backlinks are basically votes from other websites. Each of these votes tells search engines: “This content is valuable, credible and useful”. So the more of these “votes” you have, the higher your site will rank in Google and other search engines.

What Types of Backlinks is Valuable?​

Not all backlinks are created equal. In other words, if you want to rank higher in the SERPs, focus on quality backlinks. Put another way: A single quality backlink can be more powerful than 1,000 low-quality backlinks. As it turns out, high-quality backlinks tend to share the same key traits.

1. Follow vs. no follow backlinks​

Site owners can specify if an individual link passes link equity or not. A no follow link does not pass link equity – colloquially called “link juice” – to the linking domain, while a follow link does. While followed backlinks are much more desirable, no follow links from high-quality websites can still be beneficial to enhance your brand. (Interestingly, local SEO strategy views follow and no follow links from relevant, localized websites as equally valuable.)

2. Authority of linking domain​

Backlinks obtained from linking domains of high authority usually offer more value (link equity) than links from low-quality, new, or spammy websites. Backlinks from spammy websites should be avoided whenever possible.

3. Link relevancy​

Google knows if a backlink is irrelevant. If a gluten-free bakery in California links to your brick-and-mortar hiking gear shop in Colorado, the backlink is not extremely relevant and will likely not pass as much link juice as the backlink received from the mountain climbing site.

4. Link location​

Website architecture is significant to Google, as is the positioning of a link on the page. For example, a backlink tucked in the footer of a page may not pass as much equity as one added in a relevant blog post paragraph.

5. Link number​

A backlink listed among hundreds or thousands of links on a single page is likely not as valuable as a link referenced among fewer. Beyond link equity, a user would be hard-pressed to locate your link among the hundreds and click through to your content, eliminating value.

6. Anchor text​

Anchor text is the visible characters or words that display a hyperlink within content, often underlined and uniquely colored. In the previous sentence, “anchor text” is the anchor text for an outbound link. Certain anchor text is deemed SEO-friendly, passing more equity than others. Succinct, relevant, and non-generic text is preferable. For example, linking to this blog post with the anchor “importance of backlinks for SEO” is preferable to linking with the generic text “click here.”

What is Domain Authority (DA) & Spam Score?
Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how likely a website is to rank in search engine result pages (SERPs). Domain Authority scores range from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater likelihood of ranking.
The spam score is another tool developed by Moz to determine which websites are “spammy” and which are trustworthy.
A score of 1%-30% is considered a Low Spam Score.
A score of 31%-60% is considered a Medium Spam Score.
A score of 61%-100% is considered a High Spam Score.
A high Spam Score for your site, or a site you're looking at, doesn't mean this site is necessarily spammy. It's a sign that you should do some more investigation into the quality and relevance of this site
You can find out the Domain Authority and Spam score of any website using Moz's Link Explorer, the MozBar (Moz's free SEO toolbar)

How to Use Backlink List?

1- Check DA & Spam Score
2- For Profile Backlinks, Create a Profile and add your website to your profile,
For Comments, Write a comment and add your website in it with an anchor,If it hasn't Website section, use HTML codes
For Content Creation Websites and guest posts, Create unique at least 300 words content and use an external link to your website with an anchor
3- It takes a few days to index to google, wait
4- Check your Backlinks

Example of link building
1- Go to one of the websites ( for example - Profile Backlink: https://gallery.autodesk.com/)
2- Create a New Account
3- Create New Project
4- Write the Project Title, add IMG & in the description you post your article

View attachment 166

If there were duplicated , Wasted, and Useless websites or if you have new websites for backlink Please tell me to update the File

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Backlink List Link is at the end of this Post​

What Are Backlinks?​

Backlinks (also known as “inbound links”, “incoming links” or “one-way links”) are links from one website to a page on another website. Google and other major search engines consider backlinks “votes” for a specific page. Pages with a high number of backlinks tend to have high organic search engine rankings.

Why Are Backlinks Important?​

Backlinks are basically votes from other websites. Each of these votes tells search engines: “This content is valuable, credible and useful”. So the more of these “votes” you have, the higher your site will rank in Google and other search engines.

What Types of Backlinks is Valuable?​

Not all backlinks are created equal. In other words, if you want to rank higher in the SERPs, focus on quality backlinks. Put another way: A single quality backlink can be more powerful than 1,000 low-quality backlinks. As it turns out, high-quality backlinks tend to share the same key traits.

1. Follow vs. no follow backlinks​

Site owners can specify if an individual link passes link equity or not. A no follow link does not pass link equity – colloquially called “link juice” – to the linking domain, while a follow link does. While followed backlinks are much more desirable, no follow links from high-quality websites can still be beneficial to enhance your brand. (Interestingly, local SEO strategy views follow and no follow links from relevant, localized websites as equally valuable.)

2. Authority of linking domain​

Backlinks obtained from linking domains of high authority usually offer more value (link equity) than links from low-quality, new, or spammy websites. Backlinks from spammy websites should be avoided whenever possible.

3. Link relevancy​

Google knows if a backlink is irrelevant. If a gluten-free bakery in California links to your brick-and-mortar hiking gear shop in Colorado, the backlink is not extremely relevant and will likely not pass as much link juice as the backlink received from the mountain climbing site.

4. Link location​

Website architecture is significant to Google, as is the positioning of a link on the page. For example, a backlink tucked in the footer of a page may not pass as much equity as one added in a relevant blog post paragraph.

5. Link number​

A backlink listed among hundreds or thousands of links on a single page is likely not as valuable as a link referenced among fewer. Beyond link equity, a user would be hard-pressed to locate your link among the hundreds and click through to your content, eliminating value.

6. Anchor text​

Anchor text is the visible characters or words that display a hyperlink within content, often underlined and uniquely colored. In the previous sentence, “anchor text” is the anchor text for an outbound link. Certain anchor text is deemed SEO-friendly, passing more equity than others. Succinct, relevant, and non-generic text is preferable. For example, linking to this blog post with the anchor “importance of backlinks for SEO” is preferable to linking with the generic text “click here.”

What is Domain Authority (DA) & Spam Score?
Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how likely a website is to rank in search engine result pages (SERPs). Domain Authority scores range from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater likelihood of ranking.
The spam score is another tool developed by Moz to determine which websites are “spammy” and which are trustworthy.
A score of 1%-30% is considered a Low Spam Score.
A score of 31%-60% is considered a Medium Spam Score.
A score of 61%-100% is considered a High Spam Score.
A high Spam Score for your site, or a site you're looking at, doesn't mean this site is necessarily spammy. It's a sign that you should do some more investigation into the quality and relevance of this site
You can find out the Domain Authority and Spam score of any website using Moz's Link Explorer, the MozBar (Moz's free SEO toolbar)

How to Use Backlink List?

1- Check DA & Spam Score
2- For Profile Backlinks, Create a Profile and add your website to your profile,
For Comments, Write a comment and add your website in it with an anchor,If it hasn't Website section, use HTML codes
For Content Creation Websites and guest posts, Create unique at least 300 words content and use an external link to your website with an anchor
3- It takes a few days to index to google, wait
4- Check your Backlinks

Example of link building
1- Go to one of the websites ( for example - Profile Backlink: https://gallery.autodesk.com/)
2- Create a New Account
3- Create New Project
4- Write the Project Title, add IMG & in the description you post your article

View attachment 166

If there were duplicated , Wasted, and Useless websites or if you have new websites for backlink Please tell me to update the File

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Backlink List Link is at the end of this Post​

What Are Backlinks?​

Backlinks (also known as “inbound links”, “incoming links” or “one-way links”) are links from one website to a page on another website. Google and other major search engines consider backlinks “votes” for a specific page. Pages with a high number of backlinks tend to have high organic search engine rankings.

Why Are Backlinks Important?​

Backlinks are basically votes from other websites. Each of these votes tells search engines: “This content is valuable, credible and useful”. So the more of these “votes” you have, the higher your site will rank in Google and other search engines.

What Types of Backlinks is Valuable?​

Not all backlinks are created equal. In other words, if you want to rank higher in the SERPs, focus on quality backlinks. Put another way: A single quality backlink can be more powerful than 1,000 low-quality backlinks. As it turns out, high-quality backlinks tend to share the same key traits.

1. Follow vs. no follow backlinks​

Site owners can specify if an individual link passes link equity or not. A no follow link does not pass link equity – colloquially called “link juice” – to the linking domain, while a follow link does. While followed backlinks are much more desirable, no follow links from high-quality websites can still be beneficial to enhance your brand. (Interestingly, local SEO strategy views follow and no follow links from relevant, localized websites as equally valuable.)

2. Authority of linking domain​

Backlinks obtained from linking domains of high authority usually offer more value (link equity) than links from low-quality, new, or spammy websites. Backlinks from spammy websites should be avoided whenever possible.

3. Link relevancy​

Google knows if a backlink is irrelevant. If a gluten-free bakery in California links to your brick-and-mortar hiking gear shop in Colorado, the backlink is not extremely relevant and will likely not pass as much link juice as the backlink received from the mountain climbing site.

4. Link location​

Website architecture is significant to Google, as is the positioning of a link on the page. For example, a backlink tucked in the footer of a page may not pass as much equity as one added in a relevant blog post paragraph.

5. Link number​

A backlink listed among hundreds or thousands of links on a single page is likely not as valuable as a link referenced among fewer. Beyond link equity, a user would be hard-pressed to locate your link among the hundreds and click through to your content, eliminating value.

6. Anchor text​

Anchor text is the visible characters or words that display a hyperlink within content, often underlined and uniquely colored. In the previous sentence, “anchor text” is the anchor text for an outbound link. Certain anchor text is deemed SEO-friendly, passing more equity than others. Succinct, relevant, and non-generic text is preferable. For example, linking to this blog post with the anchor “importance of backlinks for SEO” is preferable to linking with the generic text “click here.”

What is Domain Authority (DA) & Spam Score?
Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how likely a website is to rank in search engine result pages (SERPs). Domain Authority scores range from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater likelihood of ranking.
The spam score is another tool developed by Moz to determine which websites are “spammy” and which are trustworthy.
A score of 1%-30% is considered a Low Spam Score.
A score of 31%-60% is considered a Medium Spam Score.
A score of 61%-100% is considered a High Spam Score.
A high Spam Score for your site, or a site you're looking at, doesn't mean this site is necessarily spammy. It's a sign that you should do some more investigation into the quality and relevance of this site
You can find out the Domain Authority and Spam score of any website using Moz's Link Explorer, the MozBar (Moz's free SEO toolbar)

How to Use Backlink List?

1- Check DA & Spam Score
2- For Profile Backlinks, Create a Profile and add your website to your profile,
For Comments, Write a comment and add your website in it with an anchor,If it hasn't Website section, use HTML codes
For Content Creation Websites and guest posts, Create unique at least 300 words content and use an external link to your website with an anchor
3- It takes a few days to index to google, wait
4- Check your Backlinks

Example of link building
1- Go to one of the websites ( for example - Profile Backlink: https://gallery.autodesk.com/)
2- Create a New Account
3- Create New Project
4- Write the Project Title, add IMG & in the description you post your article

View attachment 166

If there were duplicated , Wasted, and Useless websites or if you have new websites for backlink Please tell me to update the File

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