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Page Generator Pro

Plugin Page Generator Pro v4.0.2 Nulled

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Generate Unlimited, Unique Pages, Posts and Custom Post Types

Quickly generate unique, unlimited content (Pages, Posts and Custom Posts) to maximise your search engine presence with our WordPress Mass Page Creator Plugin.

Whether it’s building city or locality-specific pages, or drip feeding fresh content to your blog for the next month, Page Generator Pro provides a range of functionality for all of this, and more.

Create, edit and run unlimited keywords and content templates. Import and export functionality allows you to quickly copy keywords and templates to any of your Page Generator Pro installations.

Keywords store the unique terms that you want to populate your Pages with, such as cities, counties, zip codes, business services and more. They’re then inserted into Page Generator Pro’s templates (known as Content Groups).

When content is generated, Page Generator Pro uses a different, unique term from each of the keywords in your content for each generated page, resulting in unique, search engine friendly content with no duplicates.

Powerful keyword transformations allow you to change the case of keyword terms, as well as extract sub terms from your list of terms – for example, to only use the city name from a list of detailed locations stored in a keyword.

Stuck for keyword term ideas? Just enter your keyword, click save, and Page Generator Pro will automatically produce a list of terms (synonyms) for you.

Dominate Search Engines and Local Markets
Generate location keywords comprising of all or any of city, counties, ZIP codes, phone area codes and phone country codes, either within a given radius / start point or a geographical area, such as a city, county or region.

Combined with our powerful Google Maps, Yelp! Business Listings, Wikipedia content and YouTube widgets, you can generate mass, rich location-specific content quickly – for example, automatically generate 250 city and/or zip code-specific pages within your area, each with an image of that location, with a Google Map, local restaurants, local video and other content.

Need to build a series of state or county pages, with city pages as their children? No problem – generate your state pages, and then use the Page Attributes to define the parent state page when generating city-specific child pages.


Generate Locations: ZIP Codes, Cities, Counties, Regions and Phone Area Codes
Page Generator Pro’s Keyword system also provides functionality to automatically generate location specific keyword lists, which can include some or all of ZIP Codes, Cities, Counties, Regions, Phone Area Codes and/or Phone Country Codes.

Location Keyword lists can be built by specifying a start location and radius, or geographical area(s) (such as a cities, counties and/or regions).

Location Keywords are like any other Keywords in Page Generator Pro – they can then be edited and used in content groups to generate multiple, location-specific Pages to target your audience.

Data includes 250 countries, ~ 4,000 states / regions, ~ 45,000 counties and ~ 2.6 million cities / towns, updated daily. Any Pro license includes full access to this dataset, with no additional charge.


Import Existing Keyword Lists
If you have existing lists of terms, or relational keywords and terms, Page Generator Pro provides two methods to quickly import this data into keywords:

  • Import Text File: Import all data in a text file to a single keyword,
  • Import CSV File: Import keywords and terms in a CSV file, storing the results as individual keywords based on your CSV column headings.
Keywords can then be inserted into Page Generator Pro’s template fields, including the title, content, excerpt and other fields.


Rich and Full Content Control
Page Generator Pro’s interface matches the standard WordPress Page and Post edit screens, where you can edit the Title, Permalink, Content, Excerpt, Custom Fields, Advanced Custom Fields and more.

Keywords can be inserted into any of these fields, and depending on the Post Type you’re generating content for, additional options are available – such as Post Formats, Page Templates and Taxonomies.

Powerful keyword transformations allow you to:

  • Change the case of keyword terms,
  • Extract sub terms from your list of terms (for example, to only use the city name from a list of detailed locations stored in a keyword),
  • Force a specific term be used for a keyword.

Spintax, Nested Spintax and Block Spinning Support
Generate truly unique, non-duplicate content by writing content using spintax, nested spintax and Your post count must be 5 in order to see this link. You currently have 3 post(s).

Page Generator Pro performs automatic spinning of any spintax you supply in the Title, Content, Excerpt, Custom Fields, Advanced Custom Fields and more, choosing the content to produce at random for each generated page.

Best of all, keywords can be used within spintax.

Stuck for spintax ideas, or don’t understand how to use spintax? Page Generator Pro provides options to:

  • Automatically spin non-spintax content for you, with no need to understand spintax notation,
  • Select words or paragraph(s), and replace them with automatically generated spintax notation in one click.
Refer to the Your post count must be 5 in order to see this link. You currently have 3 post(s) to learn more.


Page Builder Support
Page Generator Pro supports most Page Builders. Specifically, we’ve tested the following WordPress Page Builders:

  • Ark (Theme)
  • Avada 5.0+ (Theme)
  • Avia Layout Builder (Plugin)
  • Beaver Builder (Plugin)
  • BeTheme (Theme)
  • Divi 3.0+ (Theme)
  • Elementor and Elementor Pro(Plugin)
  • Enfold (Theme)
  • Fusion Builder (Plugin)
  • Fresh Builder (Plugin)
  • Muffin Page Builder (Plugin)
  • Pro (Theme)
  • SiteOrigin Page Builder (Plugin)
  • The Divi Builder (Plugin)
  • Visual Composer (Plugin)
  • WPBakery Visual Composer 5.0+ (Plugin)
  • X (Theme)
Work with a Page Builder not listed above? Your post count must be 5 in order to see this link. You currently have 3 post(s) and we’ll be happy to test it and consider adding support for it.
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