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MailWizz - Email Marketing Application

Script MailWizz - Email Marketing Application 2.2.7

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MailWizz EMA is a simple-to-use, efficient, and full-featured email marketing application with an impressive feature set. With MailWizz not only that you will be able to properly handle email marketing for your own purposes but you can also become an Email Service Provider for your customers since MailWizz integrates easily with payment gateways like Paypal and it offers all the needed tools to create pricing plans, promotional codes and to manage orders and transactions created by your customers.

Simply put, MailWizz is a newsletter system like no other out there. It’s fast, it’s full of features for which you’d have to pay top money otherwise, it’s actively developed, it’s well established, has great support, and most of all, it’s very affordable. There are a number of businesses that rely heavily on MailWizz, so you get a well-tested system as well.

After installing MailWizz, you simply get unlimited everything!
You can send an unlimited number of email campaigns (newsletters) to an unlimited number of lists containing unlimited numbers of subscribers.
If you handle newsletters for multiple websites, you can treat those as customers and have unlimited too!

You can create custom fields for your lists (text/textarea/dropdown/multi dropdown/etc) which you can later use to segment your lists.
You can create smart autoresponders to follow up with your prospects.

You can use ANY SMTP server to send your newsletters or PHP’s mail, or send an email, or directory pickup, or you can use a service like Mandrill, SendGrid, Amazon SES, SparkPost, MailGun, DynEmail, or LeaderSend to do so.

MailWizz allows you to specify bounce servers to automatically process bounces, but what’s more is that if you are using services like Mandrill, Amazon Ses, etc for email sending, then MailWizz does bounce/complaint/abuse processing automatically for you, don’t have to do a thing.

Also, you can use tracking domains to customize your newsletter tracking urls and send domains to automatically DKIM sign outgoing emails from MailWizz itself.

But really, MailWizz is full of features that will make your life easier while handling newsletters, whatever you’d desire from an emailing system, most likely we have you covered!
If we made you curious then give it a try and make your business better.
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