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Elementor Pro

Plugin Elementor Pro v3.16.2

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Download Elementor Pro v3.16.2 - WordPress Page Builder Free Nulled
v3.16.2 - 2023-09-20

* Fix: Fit to Content dropdown position calculation is incorrect in the Menu widget ([#23808](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/23808))
* Fix: Reverted hide navigation arrows when there is only one slide in the Loop or Nested carousel ([#23804](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/23804))
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Reactions: Manishvk18
* Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Table of Contents widget
* New: Introducing Taxonomy Filter widget - Empower visitors to seamlessly filter listings in Loop Grids based on taxonomies ([#3140](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/3140))
* Tweak: Added an "Offset Sides" functionality in Carousel and Loop Carousel widgets ([#21114](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21114))
* Tweak: Modified the size of the Publish button in the Editor Top Bar feature ([#22472](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/22472))
* Tweak: Improved Ajax permissions functionality for better security enforcement
* Tweak: Added option for pagination custom position in Carousel and Loop Carousel widgets
* Tweak: Added option for navigation custom position in Carousel and Loop Carousel widgets
* Tweak: Added additional styling options for navigation in Carousel and Loop Carousel widgets
* Tweak: Added labels to shortcode column in WordPress admin
* Tweak: Unified the appearance of `stretch` and `center` buttons in Menu widget
* Tweak: Unified the appearance of `stretch` and `center` buttons in My Account widget
* Tweak: Improved panel UI in Video Playlist widget
* Tweak: Implemented CSS logical properties in Elementor Editor
* Tweak: Added "Title HTML Tag" and "Description HTML Tag" in Price List widget
* Tweak: Added "Title HTML Tag" and "Description HTML Tag" in Slides widget
* Tweak: Added "Title HTML Tag" and "Description HTML Tag" in Flip Box widget
* Tweak: Added "Description HTML Tag" in Call To Action widget
* Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Share Buttons widget
* Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Form widget
* Fix: WooCommerce Status page failed to recognize Elementor WooCommerce widgets
* Fix: Pagination does not work inside single templates when using Posts and Loop Grid widgets
* Fix: Incorrect saving of WooCommerce page settings in Elementor site settings under certain scenarios
  • New: Introducing Carousel widget - Infinite design possibilities, and nesting capabilities (#2587, #219)
  • Tweak: Added Static Item Position functionality to Alternate template in Loop Grid widget
  • Tweak: Added visual indication of Page Parts
  • Tweak: Added dividers option between menu items in Menu widget
  • Tweak: Changed the HTML structure of Pagination and Navigation in Loop Carousel and Nested Carousel widgets
  • Tweak: Added shop page in WooCommerce Pages section in Site Settings
  • Tweak: Added Text Shadow, Box Shadow and Padding control to button in Call to Action widget
  • Tweak: Added Lazy Load support for images in Video Playlist widget
  • Tweak: Added alt attribute to images in Video Playlist widget
  • Tweak: Replaced select control with choose control for Flip Direction control in Flip Box widget
  • Tweak: Added keyboard accessibility to Carousel and Loop Carousel widgets
  • Tweak: Use media_types array in Media controls
  • Fix: Lightbox is still enabled after disabling it in the Site Settings in Gallery widget (#11193, #19871)
  • Fix: Responsive settings for templates don't work as expected when Additional Custom Breakpoints feature is active (#16819, #19394)
  • Fix: Inner containers are not presented as expected in Menu widget (#21813)
  • Fix: Popup width does not support percentages (#22413)
  • Fix: PHP 8.x throws errors when using WooCommerce Ajax response (#22199)
  • Fix: Mini cart template appears as empty in various scenarios in Menu Cart widget (#22789)
  • Fix: Order by Price doesn't work for the Latest products or Manual Selection in Products widget
  • Fix: Dropdown indicator icon is not vertically aligned to the text when using icon in Menu Widget
  • Fix: Mixed content warning in the console for Video Playlist widget
  • Fix: Preview settings are not presented as expected after first save in Loop Template
  • Fix: Not-crawlable link error in Video Playlist widget
  • Fix: Lightbox is still enabled after disabling it in the Site Settings in Logo widget
  • Fix: Focus state issue on page load when using Table of Content widget
Download Elementor Pro v3.13.2 - WordPress Page Builder Free Nulled
v3.13.2 - 2023-05-22

* Fix: Hover settings not working as expected on Touch-Enabled devices in Menu widget ([#22258](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/22258))
  • Like
Reactions: theophilusjtt
Download Elementor Pro v3.13.0 - WordPress Page Builder Nulled Free
v3.13.0 - 2023-05-08

* Tweak: Provided an option to assign excerpt automatically from post content in Post Excerpt dynamic tag ([#20256](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/20256), [#21715](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21715))
* Tweak: Added Display Conditions functionality in Editor Top bar ([#21675](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21675), [#22050](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/22050))
* Tweak: Removed `elementor_page_id` from request URLs in the WC AJAX calls ([#18675](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/18675))
* Tweak: Added icons to menu items in Mega Menu widget ([#21602](https://github.com/orgs/elementor/discussions/21602))
* Tweak: Added keyboard accessibility to Toggle Button in WordPress Menu widget ([#2348](https://github.com/orgs/elementor/discussions/2348))
* Tweak: Added 'Active item state' to top-level menu items for anchor links in the Menu widget
* Tweak: Added keyboard accessibility to navigation arrows in Loop Carousel widget
* Tweak: Added keyboard accessibility to navigation arrows in Slides widget
* Tweak: Added keyboard accessibility to navigation arrows in Media, Testimonial and Reviews Carousel widgets
* Tweak: Added keyboard accessibility to Table of Content widget
* Tweak: Added keyboard accessibility to Search Form widget
* Tweak: Added accessibility to images in Slides widget
* Tweak: Added accessibility to images in Call To Action widget
* Tweak: Added accessibility to images in Media Carousel widget
* Tweak: Added accessibility to images in Gallery widget
* Tweak: Added Lazy Load support for avatar image in Post Info widget
* Tweak: Added Lazy Load support to various Elementor Editor and Admin images
* Tweak: Added Lazy Load support for author image in Author Box widget
* Tweak: Added Lazy Load support for images in Price List widget
* Fix: Content width is affected by the widget's width when Content Width is set to Fit to Content in Menu widget ([#21842](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21842))
* Fix: Empty value on Rows field causes an error in Products widget ([#21451](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21451))
Download Elementor Pro v3.12.3 - WordPress Page Builder Free Nulled
v3.12.3 - 2023-04-23

* Fix: Document is not loading after assigning a CSS ID value to a menu item in Menu widget ([#21934](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21934))
* Fix: Elementor CLI causes conflicts with other CLI commands when using PHP 8+ ([#21582](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21582))
* Fix: The dropdown content area is not working as expected with Space Between and Margins in Menu widget
* Fix: Reverted the option to set a custom icon to Remove Item in Menu Cart widget
* Fix: Mini cart template appears as empty in various scenarios in Menu Cart widget
Elementor Pro v3.12.2 - WordPress Website Builder
Pro v3.12.2 - 2023-04-09

* Fix: Mini cart template appears as empty in various WordPress themes (#21836)

Free v3.12.1 - 2023-04-02
* Fix: Elementor's dark mode color scheme affects the front in various scenarios ([#21809](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21809), [#21832](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21832))
* Fix: Reverted inline editing fix that caused DOM change in Button widget
Elementor Pro v3.12.2 - WordPress Website Builder
Pro v3.12.2 - 2023-04-09

* Fix: Mini cart template appears as empty in various WordPress themes (#21836)

Free v3.12.1 - 2023-04-02
* Fix: Elementor's dark mode color scheme affects the front in various scenarios ([#21809](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21809), [#21832](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21832))
* Fix: Reverted inline editing fix that caused DOM change in the Button widget

Elementor Pro v3.12.1 + v3.12.1 Free​

Download Elementor Pro v3.12.0 - WordPress Page Builder Free Nulled
= v3.12.1 (Pro) - 2023-04-02 =

* Fix: Default background colors are presented as transparent in Popup ([#21824](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21824))
* Fix: Reverted the tweak of Form Submissions feature merged to the version ([#21821](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21821))
* Fix: Dropdown area is not closing when hovering outside of the content area in Menu widget

= v3.12.1 (Free) - 2023-04-02 =
* Fix: Elementor's dark mode color scheme affects the front in various scenarios ([#21809](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21809), [#21832](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21832))
* Fix: Reverted inline editing fix that caused DOM change in Button widget
Download Elementor Pro v3.12.0 - WordPress Page Builder Free Nulled
= v3.12.0 (Pro) - 2023-03-29 =

* New: Introducing the Mega Menu with the new Menu widget - empowers you to achieve a much higher level of menu design, customization, and creativity
* New: Diversify your design with a Loop Alternate template - apply another template within your Loop Grid for design creativity
* New: Kickstart your workflow with predesigned Loop container-based templates
* Tweak: Added custom icon controls to various locations in Menu Cart widget ([#13678](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/13678), [#17941](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/17941), [#19295](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/19295))
* Tweak: Added a spacing control between navigation and slides in the Loop Carousel
* Tweak: Added responsive control to the 'Gap between slides' control in the Loop Carousel
* Tweak: Added Custom CSS section in Loop Item template
* Tweak: Added an Article class metadata in Loop Item template
* Tweak: Added Lazy Load support for background images in CTA widget when using the Lazy Load Background Images experiment
* Tweak: Added Lazy Load support for background images in Flipbox widget when using the Lazy Load Background Images experiment
* Tweak: Added additional size units and custom units in all elements
* Tweak: Changed Nav Menu widget name to WordPress Menu widget
* Tweak: Added "Form Validation" control to Form widget
* Tweak: Updated custom messages in the Form widget
* Tweak: Improved accessibility in various elements in Gallery widget
* Tweak: Form Submissions feature merged to version
* Tweak: Loop feature promoted to Stable status
* Tweak: Page Transitions feature promoted to Stable status
* Tweak: Improved accessibility in filter bar in Gallery widget
* Tweak: Remove unused `aspect-ratio-*` CSS classes
* Fix: Not all active breakpoints appear under "Advanced Rules" in popup publish settings ([#17020](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/17020))
* Fix: Dynamic background image and video is not working with ACF in Loop Grid widget

= v3.12.0 (Free) - 2023-03-29 =
* New: A new color scheme for Elementor - the Editor and other Elementor screens have been recolored, simplified, and optimized for accessibility
* New: Introducing a new Editor Top Bar as an Alpha experiment - consolidates all the common actions you need to perform on your website in a central and accessible location
* Tweak: Added a vertical alignment control to icons in Icon List widget ([#16464](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/16464), [#16056](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/16056), [#19237](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/19237), [#16237](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/16237), [#18420](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/18420))
* Tweak: Adjusted the increments of `em` and `rem` when using the number scrubbing functionality ([#19399](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/19399))
* Tweak: Added `vw` unit to margin and padding in Column, Section, and Container elements ([#20890](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/20890), props [@rodolphebertozzo](https://github.com/rodolphebertozzo))
* Tweak: Added additional size units for icon in Social Icons widget (props [@rodolphebertozzo](https://github.com/rodolphebertozzo))
* Tweak: Separated title and description control labels in Icon Box and Image Box widgets (props [@rodolphebertozzo](https://github.com/rodolphebertozzo))
* Tweak: Added units to `container_width` and `widgets_gap` in site settings (props [@rodolphebertozzo](https://github.com/rodolphebertozzo))
* Tweak: Added units for Word Spacing control in Text Path widget (props [@rodolphebertozzo](https://github.com/rodolphebertozzo))
* Tweak: Extracted Stretch Section handler to a more generic Stretch Element
* Tweak: Refactored show and hide tab content callbacks to be more generic in Tabs widget
* Tweak: Updated minimum required WordPress version to 5.9
* Tweak: Separated overview dashboard function to multiple functions in WordPress dashboard
* Tweak: Added thumbnail to most recently installed kit in Elementor Import/export screen
* Tweak: Added Transition Duration control to text hover color in Icon List widget
* Tweak: Display normal & hover icon colors in tabs view in Icon List widget
* Tweak: Added additional size units and custom units in all elements
* Tweak: Added remove current kit alert before applying a new kit in import process
* Tweak: Removed redundant default units in various elements
* Tweak: Upgrade Swiper Library feature promoted to Stable status
* Tweak: Save as Default feature merged to version
* Fix: Padding is set to text span instead of icon span in Icon List widget ([#9831](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/9831), props [@cirkut](https://github.com/cirkut))
* Fix: Save as Default functionality breaks Image Carousel and Loop Carousel widgets in various scenarios ([#21371](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21371))
* Fix: Content styling controls are not targeting the right container in Tabs widget
* Fix: Containers are still editable in Editor preview mode
* Fix: "Choose Image" control is missing in Safari 14 in various image elements